Turn Around Days
Navigate to your project > Main > scroll down to Settings
Here you can enter the default amount of Turn Around working days.
Acme (Customer) Turn Around days - are how many working days your Customer will have to review and return your documents. For example, if you send a document to Acme and the Turn Around days are "10" Docboss will automatically updated the expected return date as 10 working days after the submittal.
Instance Turn Around days - are the amount of working days for internal documents. For example, if Acme returns a code "B" document, DocBoss will calculate the expected return date to 10 days from receipt.
Action Turn Around days - The amount of days a routed document takes to complete. If using Internal approval, Docboss will calculate that the internal users have 5 days to complete the review.
Date Format - Choose from the drop down menu. Date format can be set based on yours or your Customers date formatting. Note, selecting the date format here will only change it for this project.
If you want to change the date format for the entire system and all project, you can do so by navigating to Admin > General.
For more information on Date Formatting, see our article here.