By default, the library includes the following fields:
- Sub-supplier*
- Sub-supplier doc name*
- Sub-supplier doc ref number
- Supplier doc name*
- Affiliate*
- Review period
- Folder* (user-defined list)
- Web address (source)
- Keywords (for query)
Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Any additional information users would like to track can be added as custom fields.
Add custom library fields
- From the System menu, select Customization > Library card fields.
- Select Add field to create a new custom field, or select the Edit icon from the Tools column to make changes to an existing custom field.
- Enter a Name for the field.
- Select a Type from the dropdown (text, date, or list).
- To mark the field as required for all library documents (optional), select Required.
- Select Save.
The field(s) will then be available to use in the DocBoss library.
Customize fields per folder
From the system menu, select Library > Library Folders. On the grid, edit an existing folder or create a new folder.
A popup will appear with the folder name and field settings.
Custom fields can be enabled/disabled and set as required/optional by selecting the applicable checkboxes on the popup: